  Average Finish - Relic Race  

The Average Finish is the average of a player's positions in each track. The best AF possible is 1.0000, since an average of 1 means that a player is on average 1st for each of their scores, i.e. all 36 WRs.

Both the SRPR and AF scores reward consistency - a single weak score can negatively affect you in a big way. These scores fluctuate constantly, since they change when you overtake someone (or someone overtakes you) in any of the 36 charts. The ARR score is different to the two indicators above, since it will not change unless you beat a new standard. This means that other players settings new PRs will not affect your score, but will probably affect your position on in this table. Certain player titles may be awarded based on your ARR score.

Your AF will improve slightly if you beat somebody in any of the 36 tracks. It will worsen slightly when someone beats you.

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Rank Player Country Score
1 Justin Zimmermann Switzerland 1.7778
2 crash68 France 4.0556
3 zampino91 Italy 6.6667
4 BlitzPhoenix98 Serbia 6.7778
5 zord Israel 7.7222
6 6at Japan 10.6667
7 Dh73 Italy 10.7222
8 Veneto Nasion DC Italy 11.3889
9 jennyprenzlberg Germany 14.8889
10 piccolomone Italy 15.9444
11 Jeiensu France 16.5556
12 Jasu14 Spain 16.8333
13 Santiago CTR Colombia 19.4444
14 ewillyyy United States 21.1667
15 Lg91 Italy 21.6111
16 Crashtag France 22.3889
17 TheMackanboi Sweden 22.4444

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